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The DORCAS Society (a member of the LWML) of Trinity gets together for devotions, a meeting and refreshments each month. Twice a year we hold special events; which all women of the congregation are invited and occasionally the husbands as well. We also hold two fund raisers a year, to raise money for our monthly mission projects. Ten percent of our proceeds go to Mites, and of course we support the LWML Mites throughout the year as well. We also have quilting each month; and have donated close to 50 quilts to various Veterans homes in Missouri. All women of the congregation are encouraged to join.

For more information please click HERE or contact Charlotte Huslage.


The MAC Group (Mature Adult Christians) is an organization at Trinity for those who care about others; they have three goals:  Fellowship, Christian nurture and Service. All while enjoying monthly activities, outings, meetings, game days and having a good time! While most of the activities are social in nature, they also donate items and prepare baskets for Trinity’s shut-ins twice a year, at both Easter and Thanksgiving. Just a few examples of the fun activities are: attending a play/musical, going to a museum or other such historical places and tours available in Missouri. Eating out and the fellowship that goes with it are a big part of the group.  Please consider joining for good fellowship and fun!

For more information please click HERE or contact Cherylynn Gronhoff.

At Trinity we have many great groups for members to join, volunteer and participate in fellowship.


The Men’s Club of Trinity is made up of "Mature Adult Men" who care about others and enjoy other male friend fellowship.  They hold monthly meetings, play pinochle, host two breakfasts each year and their most recent activity addition includes an annual Benefit Car Show held the Saturday of Labor Day weekend each year; all at Trinity.

For more information please click HERE or contact Bryan Gooding.


We've created a youth ministry that truly allows students to be themselves and experience God as only they can experience Him. All middle school and high school students are invited to join us for social, spiritual, and service activities each week. All students in grades 6th – 12th are welcome to join the Trinity Lutheran Youth Group. Please watch the Sunday Worship Bulletin Announcements closely for meeting notifications and upcoming activities. Plan to get involved and participate in all fun and fellowship. This is your youth group, so let’s make it a great one! 

For more information please click HERE or contact Deana Von Dach.


The Bazaar Committee makes beautiful hand crafted items for the Annual Bazaar. Proceeds go to the needs of Trinity Lutheran Church. Committee members work on these items at home. New members are always welcome; as we are always in need of new talents to make these treasurers to be enjoyed.

For more information please click HERE or contact Jan Singleton.


A great group of Trinity member volunteers offering their free time, skills and talents to other congregational members in most desperate need of basic repairs to their homes; that do not have family or friends capable to do the task. (Example: Shut-in’s, handicapped, elderly, financial hardship, etc. ;.)

For more information please click HERE

Be sure to pick-up a sign up form in the narthex hall on the credenza if you need their help with a small project.

bazaarGod's Helping HandsMAC GroupMen's ClubDORCAS Society Ladies



Are you looking to volunteer your time, skills and talents for a great cause while spreading the love and Word of Jesus Christ! If so, consider joining the MISSION TEAM at Trinity Lutheran. Each year the group spends a week in June at the Lakota Indian Reservation in South Dakota.  The work on projects that utilize their skills and talents and have lots of fun with the adults and children on the reservation. 

For more information please click HERE or contact Bob Blackledge.

CHURCH OFFICE  636-528-4999 Address: 1307 Boone Street Troy, Missouri 63379 Email: