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The MAC Group (Mature Adult Christians) is an organization for those who care about others; and they have three main goals: Fellowship, Christian nurture and Service.


The group enjoys monthly activities and like to have a good time together! Meetings or activities are normally scheduled for the second Tuesday of each month. They gather together at the beginning of each year to decide on the monthly activities; and planning for each month is assigned to a different person or couple within the group. While most of the activities are social in nature, they donate items and prepare baskets for Trinity’s shut-ins twice a year, at both Easter and Thanksgiving. These baskets are filled by the MAC members with lots of fruit, nuts, other treats and small items; and are distributed to the shut-ins in the congregation.


Most months there is an activity scheduled at the church or a day trip planned; and they car pool from church, but occasionally charter a bus for special outings. Just a few examples of the fun activities are: attending a play/musical at one of the local colleges, going to a museum, or other such activity in the area. During the winter months game days are held at Trinity, which is always a fun time. Eating out and the fellowship that goes with it are a big part of the group.


All members of Trinity are invited to join the MAC Group for a variety of fun filled activities! Annual dues of $10.00, should be paid to Debbie Moersch. Please make your checks out to MAC GROUP, and mark DUES on the memo line. We would love to see more members join the MAC Group and participate in our activities and great fellowship!


For more information please contact Cherylynn Gronhoff.

At Trinity we have many great groups for members to join, volunteer and participate in fellowship.

We hope you’ll join us!



Everyone is invited to join the MAC Group on February 21st at 10:00 am for a great discussion about “Scams and AI” by a guest speaker from Peoples Bank & Trust, followed by a potluck luncheon! Please bring a side dish or dessert to share, as the fried chicken will be provided by the MAC Group.


Questions? Call the new MAC Group President, Cherylynn Gronhoff at 573-378-9907.

Big Joe’s Safari May 2021

Lincoln County Journal Tour July 2021

Model Train Museum Tour Oct. 2021

May 2022 Tour of 1st Missouri State Capital — St. Charles, MO

August 2022 O’Fallon Hoot Game

2023 Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang at the

St. Charles Community College Theater

CHURCH OFFICE  636-528-4999 Address: 1307 Boone Street Troy, Missouri 63379 Email:

2024 Veterans Museum Tour