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The DORCAS Society (a member of the LWML) and meets on the third Thursday of every month (except for July & August) at 7:00 pm at Trinity for devotions, a meeting and refreshments.


Twice a year we hold special events; such as a salad/soup/dessert supper. Where each member brings a dish to share, a white elephant gift and we play a game. It loads of fun!


DORCAS also holds two fund raisers a year - Annual Bake Sale and an Annual Cookie Sale in December - to raise money for our monthly mission projects. Ten percent (10%) of our proceeds go to Mites, and of course we support the LWML Mites throughout the year as well.


We also enjoy DORCAS Quilting on the first Monday of every month at 9:00 am in Trinity’s Multi-Purpose Room. If you enjoy this type of activity, we would love to have you join us. All you need to do is bring a brown sack lunch...we provide the material and fellowship!


Throughout the year, the members of the society also assist with other events as needed. We invite “all” women of the congregation to join or attend our meetings, events, fundraisers and quilting gatherings. Occasionally the husbands are invited to the salad/soup/dessert supper, as well. You don’t have to be a member to attend; we would just like to share in the fun and have you come and see what it is we do.


For more information and details please contact Charlotte Huslage or Secretary - Mary Wehmeyer.

At Trinity we have many great groups for members to join, volunteer and participate in fellowship.

We hope you’ll join us!




NO DORCAS Quilting will be held the month of February.



Friday, February 21, 2025 at 9:00 am in the Trinity Multi-Purpose Room.

Dorcas Christmas Party

Annual DORCAS Christmas Party

All women of the congregation are welcome and encouraged to join the DORCAS Society.

Yearly dues of $6.50 for 2025 should be turned as soon as possible.


REMINDER…In case of bad weather, listen to Troy School closings…as our meeting will be cancelled if Troy Schools are closed.  Other reasons, Charlotte will call the members.

QuiltingDorcas LadiesDORCAS

Annual LWML Conventions

Cookie Bake Sale

Annual DORCAS Christmas Cookie Sale

Zone Rally

Annual ZONE Rally Day

DORCAS Quilting every first Monday of each month at 9:00 am in the Trinity Multi-Purpose Room

Enjoy Annual DORCAS Ladies Day Out Luncheons

Participate in Annual DORCAS Ladies Donation Projects

CHURCH OFFICE  636-528-4999 Address: 1307 Boone Street Troy, Missouri 63379 Email: